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Dyslexia Research Opportunities

Product Code EM2844
Product Name: Dyslexia Research Opportunities
Category: MY Books
Star Rating: Not Available
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Original Price: RM 20.00
After Discount: RM 16.00
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Dyslexia Research Opportunities

Dyslexia can be defined as a learning disability in people with normal intellectual coefficient, and without further physical or psychological problems that can explain such disability. It effecting 10% of total student population and in Malaysian case there are estimated more than 300,000 students which are dyslexic. Currently there are many researcher from different field that are interested in the study of dyslexia. The Computing and Multimedia field most likely focusing on the three aspect of the research which are the dyslexia screening, dyslexia learning with the helps of computer technology and the computer design aspect. This E-book will explore some of the opportunities and direction dyslexia research area that is related to this field. The initial expectation is that it will be a stepping stone to start the research that focusing on the theme of dyslexia.

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